July 25, 2008

Speaking of (my) Super Heroes

Because of my recent euphoria of The Dark Knight, I instantly have the fever of wanting to write my views about Super Heroes. Of course that is the super heroes that I am familiar with. Which is not much.

I am going to narrow my entry only for American Super heroes. And by that I mean excluding the famous Goggle Five. Which was one of the greatest heroes for me. In fact I went to their show back in Jakarta when I was a kid. And I had a blast time. So anyway, let’s skip Goggle Five for now.

I am not a super hero comic fan per se; I never follow their growth by reading their story from the original comics. But I know by pieces about some of the greatest super heroes characters of all time. Dated a super heroes freak, I then found out that there are two greatest publishers of great super heroes comic books. There is DC who published Superman and Batman. And there is Marvel Comics who published Spiderman, Hulk and X-Men.

First my knowledge of super heroes was introduced by Superman. Who doesn't know him? We all were raised with the notion of Superman. Even long ago when I was a kid there was a chocolate bar (or what we called wafer) with Superman picture on it (I guess only children that were raised in the 70s or 80s that would likely to remember this bar!) I used to read a few Super heroes comics, but I can honestly say that I didn't find Superman as an interesting character for me. In my mind he is a wise guy. He can do no wrong doings. A perfect guy. Even if he does a mistake, people tend to forgive him. Why? Because after all he IS Superman. He has all the Super powers that anyone would want to. He can fly. He can see through massive walls. He can burn. He can freeze. He can lift immeasurable things. He is just damn perfect. Even if he is mad or upset of something, we would easily to understand that. We forgive him of the fact that he is a drifter from an outside planet, he doesn't have any family and friends, and he is a loner, a quiet guy. He pretends to be a Clark Kent to hide his natural soul as a Superman. He is in love with the perfect woman there is. And Lois Lane I think is the soul of Superman. And Clark Kent's love of his life. And that's it. Too white for my liking.

The second is Spiderman. Ah, back in the days I read quite of many Spiderman comics. Simply because I used to fall in love with this dude. Why? Because he is real. Skip the yada-yada spider contamination he had. Skip that. Focus when he used his super power to gain money. HAH! Realistic Parker! And again for what the money he needs? Just to impress a girl. HAH! Men - they would try everything to woo a girl that they like. Peter Parker is an everyday guy character that you could easily find in your high school, your work place, your book store, your neighborhood. He is a standard guy. A standard guy who wants everything - love, success and fame. Simple. And so real. So when he realized that he had the power that he could use for his benefits, he used it. He fed his ego first. Unlike Superman with his first instinct to save the human kind. No. Peter Parker or Spiderman just want to feed his ego first. By gaining money to support his aunt and uncle. To impress a girl that he likes. Somehow this side of Spiderman is the one that I think so interesting. Even after he eventually marries the girl of his life, everything doesn't go smooth. If you read the comic, you would likely to see MJ gets worry too much, and Peter really finds it hard to juggle between his night life as a Spiderman and day life as a photographer. For my taste he is it. He is honest and honesty is a very rare commodity these days.

Then is Hulk. Back when I was a kid, I used to watch the Series. I never like his figure per se - too big and fat. But his flaws were the ones that drag me in. Hulk or what we used to know as Dr. Bruce Banner is just a regular doctor. Who I think doesn't know how to manage his anger. Because if he can manage his anger, then anger wouldn't be his trigger for his transformation. That is oddly humane. And again the thing that would likely drawn me. I never read comic book about Hulk. But when it comes to motion picture, it hit me how Hulk really is one vulnerable man inside. He can't control his anger when he was Dr. Bruce Banner. Too many depressed angers.

At last my knowledge ends for now at the gate of Gotham City. Batman and his money. Couldn't be more attractive! He is dark, he is a player. Although deep beneath that thick skin lays an unbelievable delicate soul. He may be rough on the edges but he is way more than irresistible. I started my liking to Batman because of the TV series. Of course you all would know back in the times of Batman and Robin hit the TV screen. With that old school outfits. (God it felt like yesterday). I almost never skip an episode. I was a fan of Robin. But when Christian Bale made his way to be Batman, my love for Robin ended. I think the best Batman captured in Bale. Anyway, many of the people I know don't think Batman as a super hero because he wasn't gifted with the ability of super power. Like I said, he doesn't get contaminated or get nuclear injection or some sort of biological experiment that he later on have the conquest to fight the bad guys. But he owns the city. What more super power can you get in this harsh life? Let's be real, have you ever crossed path with a real man who gets contaminated and later on has super power? I mean in this world? You haven't right? Although I am not saying that people couldn't get super power from contamination. But it doesn't happen in any day sooner right? So voila, Batman is the super hero of this era for me. Fighting crime by "injecting" money to the scientist to make super equipments. Kind of like James Bond in a bold way.

In my super heroes education, villains of those super heroes are always the main attraction of the story. Oh my God I am in love with Lex Luthor. Odd to remember, I never have that sensation to a villain of Spiderman or Hulk or any other super heroes. With the exception of Joker of course. And Catwoman! (Talk about feminism!) Ah since this entry is not about villain, lets the raise this case some other time.

Speaking super heroes sometimes could make others think that you are still a kid. But frankly speaking we all are. As for me, speaking and even taking the time to google them and learn them could lead you to another whole dimension of inspirations. These fictions inspire me. In a sense that you would likely to think I am a cuckoo. But Superman taught me that even the best of people are allowed to make mistakes. Spiderman taught me that you have to be honest to your most loved one. Batman taught me that sometimes doing good doesn't mean the same for others. And Hulk, taught me that depressing angers could kill. Oh well, indeed after all I am a kid!
© frettyaulia, 25.07.08

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