February 14, 2008

running away through my earphones

music man by bassqee
[ http://bassqee.deviantart.com/art/Music-Man-75938809 ]

I like to listen to the music out loud from earphones. Or headphones. I just like to do that. And even more I like to do that when I am on the way to go someplace. When I walk to that place, or in a moving car. It feels like I am in a movie and I am the leading actress. Oh call me crazy, but it is so fun to be in lost within the music, seeing people go by, cars passing by, the wind touching my face, and the unstoppable thoughts that running through my head. I really enjoy that a little too much. My mom once said that she doesn't want any of her children to be like one of "those young people", who wear headphones/earphones on their ears; she said that it is like being ignorant with the rest of the world. She had a point there though, yet I keep still doing that. There is a sense of being alone and enjoying the loneliness when I am lost within the music coming from my earphones. Maybe at some point it is like a need for me, because maybe I don’t find any solitude. With a little tight schedule with work, family, friends, boyfriend, having something to enjoy in between which don’t require my brain to think a lot, is really a quite solitude. Yeah maybe my mind will travel, the lyrics from the music usually will find their way to suck into my brain… but it is really a nice moment to enjoy with.

© frettyaulia, 14.02.08

2 c o m m e n t s:

miss_e said...

i really really love this posting..u described beautifully how music can drawn you away from the hectic surroundings..love it!
tp tetep hati2 ya jeung,rajin lirik2,nanti ketabrak busway loh..

cheapdrunk said...

hehehe...manusia transjakarta juga ya kamuhh? :)